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About Us

Dental Sleep Solutions of Maryland LLC is committed to improving the health and quality of life of our patients by providing sleep education and by utilizing custom fitted dental appliances to treat sleep breathing disorders.


Our practice has served patients in the Baltimore metropolitan areas for many years and Dr. Lang has a long history of achieving stellar recommendations from his patients and the community. 


Working together with Beverly Lang, a certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP), both Dr. Lang and Beverly will provide all patients with individualized treatment.  Our patients will enjoy the convenience of having both a dental and medical practitioner accessible to address their unique sleep related breathing disorders.  

Why should you see a dentist for sleep apnea?

Although a CPAP machine is usually suggested as the first line of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, oral appliances have been demonstrated to be very effective in treating mild, moderate, and severe sleep apnea in most patients. 


These removable oral appliances that the patient wears while sleeping require an expert in oral medicine to fabricate, fit, and adjust to maximize effectiveness in helping patients sleep better.  A dentist can also assess and treat any untoward effects of wearing the appliance, such as mandibular joint pain (TMJ) problems, tooth movement, and muscle soreness.


No one is more qualified to manage your sleep and breathing disorders than a dentist.


If you already have an oral appliance click here to learn how to care for it!

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